Oct 10, 2009

Myrick Launches Anti-Terrorism Agenda

Last week our office (Congresswoman Sue Myrick) made public a revised version of Sue's anti-terrorism agenda. Dubbed the Wake Up America 2.0 Anti-Terrorism Agenda, the plan serves as a blue print for coordinating the anti-terrorism efforts of the Myrick office.

If you have been following the rise of radical Islamist activity in the United States, you know that the efforts to counter such rise are varied and often seemingly disconnected efforts. The assault must be combated on so many fronts simultaneous that often it is hard to synthesize the efforts into a coherent strategy. This plan is an effort to provide an organized construct to those anti-terrorism activities.

I encourage each of you to view the agenda and give me your feedback.

The agenda is comprised of five areas of interest:

1. Domestic Counter-Terrorism
2. Countering Radical Islamist Financing
3. Countering Radical Islamist “Lawfare”
4. Education to Help Counter Radical Islamists
5. Strategic Assets Abroad

View the agenda at http://myrick.house.gov/wakeup.shtml

Congresswoman Myrick is the founder and current co-chairwoman of the House Anti-Terrorism Caucus and sits on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.

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